October 30th, 2011
a. The act of revealing or disclosing.
b. Something revealed, especially a dramatic disclosure of something not previously
known or realized.
c. A manifestation of divine will or truth.
Yesterday, a beam of fluorescent light bestowed upon me a great idear! (as the Germanic people say) Unfortunately, I am not quite ready to relay this inspiring daily revelation to my ever so little flock of followers . . but in the coming days - all shall be known:) For now we talk, shop & inscribe our first recipe!
As recently mentioned, I have a yearning to simplify my little rotisserie lifestyle including the culinary ignition that drives my passion from within. Practice makes an honorable arms reach towards perfection, henceforth I took up the nominal task of making some shortbread. Simple deed involving the baking "holy trinity" of butter, flour & sugar. Who could really f'this up right?
Well . . as usual, I didn't utilize a recipe and having a devilishly inherent tendency to improvise (theoretical improvement), I decided to infuse a portion of the butter with a delectably herb called "Lemon Verbena" as well as add two "bakers rack" essentials of baking powder & baking soda. Strike 1: although I've often added an additional flavor note to this rustic tea time cookie; I had never attempted to infuse the butter . . it worked but added an undesired "nutty browned butter taste" Strike 2: The bp & bs resulted in levitating the shortbread which inhibited the ability to cut the shortbread whilst still warm (ie: causing it to collapse!) NOTE: just like biscotti - this medieval "burrebrede" need be sliced up before the sugars have officially cooled & hardened.
Somebody please b'slap me! 3 ingredients . . that's it, simple, short & concise makes nicey, crispy, cookie. Bottles of beeswax, I've managed to jack this one up! The "revelation" being that life may be categorized into cooking: completely capable of fixing/adjusting to some degree or another), baking: a chemical equation that equates to a very precise "cause & effect" in other words "dare to dabble" = "dancing with the devil" and finally, abstinence: foregoing any kitchen encounter and relying on the Russian roulette method of "others efforts"
All is not lost, this debacle of a pastry gone wrong will now be pounded with persuasive frustration and transformed from crumble to Einstein like innovation via lemon verbena-shortbread crust for a sweet potato pie. Even in the afterlife of baking there is hope for reincarnation! *see recipe below
with Culinary Blessings,
Chef Scotty
Original Recipe Yield 2 dozen
• 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
• 1/3 cup white sugar
• 3/4 cup butter
• OPTIONAL: add 2 tbsp’s minced lemon verbena/lavender/cardamom or fennel seed
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (180 degrees C).
2. Blend all ingredients well. Dough will be stiff.
3. Press into a 9 x 9 inch buttered dish. Prick top with a fork.
4. Bake until pale golden brown on the edges. Cool and cut into squares.
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