Good Morning,
Rthymn at last - morning after morning you can now tune into The Word of Chi to start your day off. Let us begin with the new nickname for Priceless, Pot de Nag, Jelly (this last week!) and now . . . Scratch-n-Sniff (s-n-s for short . . or just plain Scratch).
On to other things - I'm sipping my coffee with yet another defunct French Press spitting out a good 3 tablespoons of organic Ecuadorean coffee grounds. The question is do swallow or spit? Perhaps the combination of the two is envitable and slightly enticing for the extra sip . . but then again, this is coming from an individual who bites into his banana in consuming the bitter skin to the tropically creamy and smooth flesh within. Kids - don't try this at home unless you aren't afraid of ordering those salty ass, shriveled up anchovies at your favorite pizza joint. Gosh, that brings back fond memories of Maria's pizza with my Dad & sibblings (oregon, WI pizza joint . . decadent, greasy and laden with enough cheese to clog a newborns arteries in 5 seconds flat!).
An Indian event for ChileCo tomorrow . . on the menu: Thai chile poached rock shrimp with kumquat, garam masala encrusted lollipop lambchops, volcanic tandoori chicken skewers and such vivacious drinks as my "pisco sour" with guanabana puree, chilled pisco (peruvian liquor) and topped with a cardamom meringue.
Song of the morning: the light by Common - check it out folks and kick ur mornin' off with a little hop to that hip!
with Culinary Blessings,
Chef Scotty
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