Good Morning my dear friends,
It has occurred to me that due to the consumption of regular amounts alcohol (be fermented grapes, rye, potato or agave) . . I should write this dear little blog in the morning.
Employees: Oh boy - running a mid-sized business I think one of the biggest struggles is in managing those very people who make or break your business. Emotional highs and lows - let's face it . . catering isn't no walk-in the park but grey hairs have now intruded upon my once lush burnett head. Just thought I'd share.
I recently looked at a restaurant in RSF - the location is anything but ideal, however great circumstance are being made/offered in exchange for a committment. I'll keep you posted there as well as Chi Cuisine, a restaurant concept down here in San Diego and most importantly . . .
Cooking Classes by Chef Scotty & Wine & Culinary Dinners!!! Exciting but all in the same a bit of work ahead for me.
As the Social now is five days I really don't feel as if I gave it proper credit in describing the nights events but I will share this: I drive the death card the night before! As for the meaning - please read on.
The Death card speaks of a major conclusion in an area of our lives. Often when this card shows up in a reading it means the querent has had, or will have a change that is monumental - an ending of circumstances that were dragging on for far too long and the only way to make a clean break is to have a sharp ending. The key point to remember here is that where there is an ending, there is also a beginning.
The Death card also exposes us to the inevitabilities in our lives. Everyone has heard the old adage "the only thing you can count on is death and taxes." The quote left out one other inevitable occurance: Change. We can alway count on change. No matter how long we've been at our jobs, how long we've been married, or how long we've lived in one location - fact of the matter is that everything changes. We may remain in the same house all of our lives, but our lives will always change. Life is in constant motion and this is the irony of the Death card. Death is never the end - it is simply a motion in a different direction.
I am going to figure out how to put pictures on this thing, start writing in the morning and thank each of you for hanging in there with me!
with Culinary Blessings,
Chef Scotty
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