I sip from a stoneware cup, my coffee has notes of chocolate
and nearly as silky smooth as a brick of Valhrona Majari. I am at peace in mind, body & spirit in
this quaint beach town of Southern California.
My stomach, wrestling with its traditional early bird hunger (partial due
to my daily reappearance at the gym?), and my eager mind decided to wake me at
6am. The comforting chinchilla like
blanket enchanted my weariness to stay in bed yet somehow I mustered an effort;
disrobing like a Galician Prince and headed for the patio. The cigarette still wields power over all
else, but who cares – I made it through another day of no alcohol.
I arrived in Santa Barbara at approximately 2pm in the
afternoon, just enough time to shuck the LA vibes from my very cobb . . each kernel
representing a percentage of true self – I might be at 60% and hope to return
to the city of lost angels with no less than 86%. I embarked on a journey through State Street,
watching the potbellied homeless, hippy-high-noted college students, European
tourists of various dialects & origins as well as the local residents working
or patronizing anyone of the sophisticated to surf’s up establishments. After scribing an article for Rage Magazine’s
October issue, I meandered for a bit of R&D (for my next big business
adventure) before contacting my host and arranging a convenient time to meet
(RULE #1: Don’t show up unannounced & keep your host informed as to your
touchdown time).
There are certain rules to being a house guest; at least I
was raised to understand as much and beaten with a sabertooth, leather
belt should I have forgotten my lessons
of “proper” and “polite” I greeted my
friend Paul with a large bottle of Cointreau and a bag of fresh coffee beans
(RULE #2: Always arrive with gifts). After
the introductions to his fully feng-shui’d townhome we set-off for a gander up
the hill . . a big, big hill (no, I don’t huff & puff despite my adoration
for fumigating my lungs). The reward
revealed at the tip of the hill proved to be worth every stride as the sun
crested the Northeastern mountains reflecting down upon this peculiarly perfect
& tame village . . almost admiring her and casting just the right amount of
light. (RULE #3: Don’t set your own
schedule or clarify upfront any time bearing events so as to avoid confusion or
unwarranted obligation). Our
conversation both up & down was pleasant and intriguing if not for the prickly
pear cactus thorns that were stuck to my lips, index finger & thumb and yes
. . my tongue (some stories simply can’t be repeated).
Truly a veteran host well versed in the pleasantries, Paul
put out a light spread of olives, hummus, chips and almonds all carrying the
Trader Joe’s brand before informing me that he had made reservations for us at
the prestigious Stonehouse Restaurant built in 1889 (originally serving as the
packing house for a citrus farm) nestled in the hills of Montecito. We arrived to smell of burning wood, dewed
evergreens and freshly strewn mulch, shadow dancing ambiance and wait . . . is
that Oprah over there ravenously noshing on a dessert hare? No, maybe a gelding minotaur or a
reincarnated Andrea the Giant . . much too light to be Oprah. Dinner was superb, the menu neither radical
nor bland sported organic and free range ingredients as well as a plethora of
freshly cut herbs & gathered produce from their gardens.

Farmers Market was a blast, I think I was quiet enough this
morning so as not to wake Paul (RULE#4, #5, #6: Don’t wake up your guest, be
respectful & quiet, make your bed & assist with cleaning as deemed
appropriate). We had a great lunch
(RULE#7: pay for a meal your host has already saved you a hotel room) at the
Boathouse restaurant and now, now . . . . I have to bust out a dinner from all
of farmers market acquisitions (and it has to be vegan – so I got’s to go!)
With Culinary Blessings,
Chef Scotty