But those words have such a lesser value without action. And so it is - we begin the adventure of my very own scripture. Why is this might you ask? Well - partly due the whole business aspect in marketing my catering company (ChileCo) and supporting the launch of my organic product line (Chi Cuisine). But most importantly to share a vision that courses through my veins. I personally belief in making a difference in this kooky world through food - something that unites each and everyone of us. Ofcourse there was that apparent fact that twitter and facebook limit my words and that is something I very much am in no shortage of (poor sentence fragment - huh?). Perhaps a brief introduction is in order . . even if I am only speaking to myself.
I was born an Earth Day and raised in a podunk rural town in Wisconsin. Infatuated with the outdoors and plants I soon discovered the euphoric sensations of herbs . . herbs transitioned to cooking and at the age of 21 I found myself enrolled at San Fransisco's (once great) California Culinary Academy. Oh, there was quite a bit in between joining humanity & college . . but we have chapters of future blogging to cover that stuff! Oh, well perhaps I should mention that by the age of 10 I firmly believed that my inherited destiny is/was/would be to save the very world we live in. Mom even sent me to numerous psychologist's to try and figure out what in the hell was wrong with Scotty - afterall, what 10 year old is consumed with fixing the world . . you're usually just figuring out how to masturbate, experienced your first kiss or "earned" the privelege of mowing the lawn. Obviously, the doctors were unsuccessful at deregulating my secular ambitions to heal the planet as this blog shall transcrib my continued quest and subsequently (hopefully) open the door for unknown possibilities that which might assist me (hence us) in co-creating a better world. And so . . . the adventure begins.
with culinary blessings,
Chef Scotty
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