Thursday, April 15, 2010

Moxy Me Baby to Greek Tapenade?

Detox away Baby - on day four of no spirited beverage consumption, shoveling spinach down my throat like nobodies business and preparing for the next level . . or dear g'd . . exercise!

Many a folks wonder how I keep slim as a chef . . but trust me, there hides a wee little Wallaby pouch at the foot of my chest. If I still lived in Wisconsin things would be a different story . . we live in California and with that comes the health conscious mind, awareness of our physique and let's face it . . far more judgment both personally and from those that have made gawking & talking a profession of ordainment.

The secret to staying thin - is an insane amount of hours . . that entire caloric intake thingee goes out the window when you're working 18 hours a day:) Of course the proper diet doesn't hurt . . at last the time for 24 hour fitness is upon me!

Tapenade - let's talk about it . . really easy to make if you have a food processor and I made some cappicola, ricotta panini's for an event last night with this delicious tapenade inspired by my own Chimayo Loco chile sauce.

3 Cups of Black Olives, 5 Shallots (or Red Onion), 1 cup of Mint, 3 Tablespoons of Black Pepper, 3 Tablespoons of Olive Oil, Chimayo Loco (or sub a non-garlic based chile sauce like sambal and accent with a touch of honey . . equal portions of chile sauce to honey). Maybe you need my chile sauce to make this work but it was beautiful and tasty as a frozen lollipop on a Arizona dessert day.

Chef Scotty

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